
Gallery in Progress 2 of 10

Tiger Pussy

Aubrey Harding: watercolor

Watercolor 22x32

Don't Feed the Tigers
Lyrics: Darius Harding

Maybe that tiger wants its raw duck
Maybe that girl wants her product
Think she got options
Y tu mama
Taught her
Daddy’s problem child
Aint so propa
Karma like Jeffery Dahmer
Suppose to eat
Osama Bin Laden’s daughter
Without blue or green wire
She’s that bomb diffused, tied to you and me 
Maybe it’s a cover up
Maybe it’s Maybelline
Maybe she’s born with it
Maybe those lips
Great tits
Maybe she couldn’t make daddy see
So mom didn’t believe her
Some boy broke her heart and cheat her
Leave her, for the image
She thought she’d make herself into
Kept the purses
Lost your interest
Spent the rest
So who she’s trickin

She might find that gentle man/ She might find that sentimental/ She might find that great em, feed em, fuck em, leave em, type it’s simple/ Every time you think the flame is kindled/ Let no candle light his pursuit, for you/ What you get came from what you do/ what you give is what you get (repeat)
Grant three wishes
For the proof
On the bottle
He wish his lies that strong in proof
How he swallowed
The truth
No bottom
For Jennie promise
To rub loose
Play cool
In shallow gene pools
Games of cops and robbers
Steal organs
Give them back removed
What cardiac arrest them two
Her bed cuffs so used to cold— bruised
Heart out its space in rib cages
Patrons, new stage
So used to new players
Who help run the zoo
She want that fantasy Disney bird to coo
Sing by the window
Squirrels and mice picking out her wardrobe
Her hormones play out the crush groove
While you play cool
Everyone likes to see the tiger graze
They don’t want to see it rip that Disney bird’s face
Let it choose
What they consume
Maybe you—
Shouldn’t feed the tigers
You don’t know what they want

She might find that gentle man/ She might find that sentimental/ She might find that great em, feed em, fuck em, leave em, type it’s simple/ Every time you think the flame is kindled/ Let no candle light his pursuit, for you/ What you get came from what you do/ what you give is what you get (repeat)

Maybe you shouldn’t feed the tigers
Maybe you shouldn’t feed the tigers

You don’t know what they want

Aubrey Harding

Darius Harding

production consultant
Cary Kibby

Mogul D

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